1.Pocket design - according to the practical requirements, there are three-dimensional bags, inside patch pocket, open patch pocket and other forms of composite. In accordance with the requirements of the Occupational tooling pocket, it is convenient to place a variety of handy tools, the pocket structure should not was open like the job, in order to prevent moving sharply, hanging or falling debris. Pocket pocket at all plus flap, or clinch or zipper, but taken, put the convenience of the tool should be considered in the design. The enterprise group logo, text, badges usually in a T-shirt on the chest pocket embodies. Beijing custom shirts
2. Hem design - professional tooling hem due to the nature of the work, the environment needs to be elastic tightening or pumping with tightened to avoid objects in the environment, equipment, the job of clothing hanging, pull. Female service personnel of Business, meals Chin industry clothing hem and skirt length, width, area with objects placed according to their place of business space formed by moderate design.
3. Sleeve design - sleeve design refers to the length of the sleeves, too fat, as well as the form of cuffs to determine the type of work, and occupational characteristics. Equipment assembly work clothing, sleeves should not be too short, too thin, in order to facilitate the completion of the climb, ascend, pull and other job actions, if necessary, plus living pleated sleeves arm joints. Clothing for the catering industry attendant sleeves should not be too long, too fat, so as not to cause trouble in the service. Professional tooling cuffs are generally two types: elastic and adjustable buckle trip, the main role is anti-bacterial, anti-fouling. Also in the sleeve arm according to the need to add a pocket or the identification of armbands. Beijing scheduled work custom suits
4. Collar design - collar business wear design. The collar has the form of a stand-up collar, stand lapel, lapel, collar, and no collar. Collar form of practicality, the design should be based on the occupational characteristics. Work clothing, such as mining, construction and other industries, labor intensity and vulnerability to the impact of climate and harmful substances, the collar lapel in the form of legislation is often used. To choose rib extended knitted fabrics touch to improve the collar on the neck, especially in off the collar on the neck of the impact; collar design from identifying often different color, different material inlay fight the embodies wear identification symbol and decorative. Such a suit, just the collar Leis design, you can become an industry professional uniforms. Another tie, bow tie, cravat and outer collar type with wind collar type is closely related, which can not be ignored in the design.
5. The the placket design - the placket mostly in custom suits predecessor, and directly affect changes collar. The placket there Ming placket, dark placket and buttons, zippers divided. Ming placket with buttons, decorative role. But for the design of protective clothing, usually in the form of dark placket avoid Ming placket hook stumbled work involved. In a special environment, such as electrical equipment and workplace wear prohibit the use of metal buttons, zippers. Addition placket side door lapel after placket, which is determined according to the nature of the object of the work. The placket form of another stack placket, oblique placket song lapel ride lapel changes. In placket inlay material, edging, embroidery craft class apparel design services industry (hotel uniforms, restaurant apparel), the commonly used method of custom suits
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